记录片 电子烟揭秘:Juul的崛起与崩坏
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  • 电子烟揭秘:Juul的崛起与崩坏

  • 片名:电子烟揭秘:Juul的崛起与崩坏
  • 更新:2023-10-11 21:00
  • 简介:  The high-drama, rags-to-riches story of the controversial electronic cigarette company Juul which transformed from a scrappy Silicon Valley tech start-up run by two idealistic Stanford graduate students intent on making the world a better place into a multi-billion-dollar tobacco company that sparked an epidemic of youth addiction and lung disease.
首页 记录片 电子烟揭秘:Juul的崛起与崩坏